If you’re a Python programmer, chances are you’ve run into the “TypeError: list object is not callable” error at some point. There’s not many Python users who haven’t seen this Type Error when running their code. This error can be confusing and frustrating, but don’t worry, we’re here to help!
In this blog post, we will explain what causes this error, give examples of how it happens, and show you how to fix it. We’ll also provide links to more information so you can learn more about this error.
How Do I Identify The “TypeError: list object is not callable” Python Error Message?
Anytime you are running your program and you see the following error in your Python program:
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
How To Fix the “TypeError: list object is not callable” Python Error
There are a few ways to fix this error, and the best way to fix it depends on what is causing the error. Here are some common errors and their fixes:
You are using parenthesis instead of square brackets when referencing a Python list element by index number
Using parenthesis instead of square brackets changes the call to a function call instead of a reference to the python list element. The Python interpreter interprets parenthesis as a function call. Other programming languages use parenthesis, Python is not one of them.
Solution: Instead of using myList(0) the correct way to reference the list element is myList[0]
You are adding parenthesis where it is not needed
The Python interpreter interprets parenthesis as a function call. The list object is not callable.
Solution: Instead of for i in range (len(somelist())): use for i in range(len(somelist)):
The file name of the code is the same as any of the methods
The error occurs when you have a naming conflict with the class object. You cannot have the file name and any function names within that file match.
Solution: If the file name is the same as function, change the files name or change the function name.
There is an issue within the libraries you are using
Sometimes the “typeerror list object is not callable” python error occurs when you aren’t even using a Python lists. This is because of an glitch in libraries or built in functions , which you won’t be able to fix without a lot of work.
One reported glitch is with the built in function: file(). Sometimes when you include the second parameter: ‘r’ you end up with this error.
Solution: Try removing the ‘r’. It’s the default value anyway, so the python interpreter treats it the same.
You are using the built in name “list” reserved word for the list variable
There are a set of built in names for variables which Python reserves for itself. You are not allowed to use them as variable names or as a global variable.
This is commonly referred to as name shadowing. When you are naming variables make sure they are not the same name as a built in word or predefined value.
Solution: Change the name of your list variable to a non-built in word.
What Causes The Python TypeError List Object Error In Python
The most common cause of the Python TypeError “‘list’ object is not callable” error message in Python is that you are trying to call a list as if it were a method. Remember that lists are data structures, not methods, and so they cannot be called like methods. To illustrate this point, consider the following code example:
>>> mylist = [‘a’, ‘b’]
>>> mylist()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<stdin>” , line ?, in ?
TypeError: ‘list’ object is not callable
In above code, the list ‘mylist’ is defined and then called using the ‘()’ operator. However, this results in a python typeerror list object error message being raised, since lists cannot be called like methods. You reference the objects in a list with square brackets.
How To Prevent The “TypeError: list object is not callable” Error In Python
You can reduce the chance of encountering the “TypeError: list object is not callable” error by using an IDE that checks for syntactic errors (such as using a parenthesis instead of square brackets) or when your variable name conflicts with a built-in keyword. Some will even tell you when you don’t need to use a parameter.
Otherwise, check over your code for the errors above and try not to make that mistake again.
What is A Callable In Python?
A callable is an object in Python that can be called as a function. This means you can call it by using parentheses and passing in any number of arguments.
When you call a callable, the callable will execute its code and return whatever value it calculates. There are many different types of callables in Python, but the most common are functions and classes.
If you try to call a non-callable object, you’ll get the “Typeerror: ‘list’ Object Is Not Callable” error. This means that the object you’re trying to call doesn’t have a __call__() method defined, which is what Python uses to determine whether an object is callable.
If you get this error, there is one additional thing you can do to fix it. The first step is to make sure the object you’re trying to call is actually callable.
To do this, check the documentation or try calling it yourself in a Python console. If the object isn’t callable, you’ll need to find a way to make it callable. One way to do this is to add a __call__() method to the object yourself.
Are List Objects Callable in Python?
No, they do not have the __call__() method so they are not callable.
Why Is My Class Not Callable in Python?
Your class is not callable in Python because it does not have a __call__() method defined on it. Make sure you have this class or inherit from a class that does.
What is a Built-In Name In Python?
A built in name is a keyword that is defined by the Python language. It has special meaning to the interpreter and cannot be used as ordinary variable names. Some of these built in names are “if”, “else”, “elif”, “and”, “assert”, “as”, “break”, “in”, “class”, “del”, “def”, “except”, “continue”, “return”, “exit”, “from”, “exec”, “for”, “not “, “global”, “import”, “isinstanceof”, “lambda”, “or”, “while”, “pass”, “raise “, “print”, “try”, and “with”.
For example, the keyword “def” is used to create a function. The interpreter will look for this keyword in the program and execute it as code. If you try to use “def” as an ordinary variable name, you will get the error message: “Typeerror: ‘list’ object is not callable”.
Similarly, the built-in name “print” will print a list of items to the terminal. If you try to use it as an ordinary variable name, you will get the error message: “Typeerror: ‘list’ object is not callable”.
You can find out more from a link in Further References
Further References
In this article, we’ve learned how to prevent the “TypeError: list object is not callable error” in Python. If you have encountered it in a scenario not listed above, leave a comment below.
Check out some of my other python guides, including on how to split a string.